I chose the word friend because every one, at some point or another, needs a friend in their lives. I can not exactly say what it is like to not have a friend. I might complain about mine, but I have always had friends in my life. Some are just friends that i talk to every now and then, some are friends that i talk to every day. Some are friends that I go to with my problems, and some are friends that I can not live without. But all the same, they are all friends.
But as lucky as I have been to always have good, caring friends in my life, some people are not that lucky. In our very own school there are people who do not have anyone to talk to, they do not have people to tell them that their hair looks pretty, or that they like spending time with them, or that they are cared for. In our own school, there are people who sit all alone at lunch time, cause they do not have any friends to sit with. That tends to take a toll on people.
Most of the time, we do not think about the person who just dropped all of their books in the hallway, or the person who is getting made fun of, or the person who is sitting all alone. No, we are too busy thinking about what we are going to eat for lunch, or our test next period, or wondering if that person we like is thinking about us. We do not take time out to think of others. And I am just a guilty as the next person . That is why, this year, I am going to work on being more of a friend, to everyone.
I don't need friends. I just have them.